Artwork, Infotainment & Music

Here you can read a bit about the next up travel documenteries & the destinations for the next travels.

Release on Travel Docs episode 2 the 20th of April

World premiere of Mindmachine Traveldocs. Episode 2 from Transylvania.
This section contains, among other things, a secret interview with a nun from the Hurezu monastery in Romania, as well as first-hand accounts of folk music culture during the dark times of Nicolae CeauČ™escu’s dictatorship and up to now.

Next travel doc from Java. scheduled to be in June 2024

The Next travel documentary youll be able to see, wil be from Java Indonesia, where I have been meeting up with some interesting artist’s and made some great interviews.

please Subscribe to the youtube channel Mindmachine, so you will get notified, when it get uploaded.

Plans for the next Mindmachine travel: Island in September 2024

I’m planning a Mindmachine Travel in September and the target is Island, where i’ll make interviews with Islandic Artists and talk with them about Musik, Art, culture and spirituality.