July 13, 2024
is the opening of a this year great summer exhibition, with new exciting Art works.
Dont miss this cozy evening with Blues, Art & cold beers. 

The American Blues Musician " The Florida Man" is giving a concert in the gallery.
The Florida Man, has toured the southern states exuberant music scene for more than 15 years and has captivated his audiences with his carismatic and present playing style. His blues style is the original Old school delta Blues, from the legends like Robert Johnson, Muddy waters & Howlin' wolf.
Your entrance ticket includes a small original Art piece & 1 cold beer!
Tickets are only 75 DKR. Whaaaat.

If you want to be sure to get a ticket (there are limited number of tickets)
you can buy the ticket in advance. You simply send the payment via mobilpay to this number: 26608045
NB! remember to ad a message saying ABB and your name.
you will get your ticket, your Unique Art piece + a cold beer at your arrival.
See you the 13th of July 

Mindmachine Atelier & Art Gallery
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